Indian company salary slip format
Indian company salary slip format

indian company salary slip format indian company salary slip format

With a dedicated space for a company logo to its top-right, the salary slip comes with different shades of orange on a white background. The most prominent feature is, however, its header in a large text box at the top. Heavy on text, the paystub comes with a large table at the center on a white background and some cells in gray. There is a separate row for the header i.e. Everything in the salary slip is in black except the ‘Next Pay’. The salary slip is a simple one with seven rows and fewer columns. Salary Slip Format As Per Payment Of Wages Act However, the bottommost table has an entire row in bright red that makes the salary sip look endearing.

indian company salary slip format

The salary slip has multiple tables with several columns and rows on a white background. While the top one has two columns in blue and a shade of red, the bottom one comes with three columns in a combination of baby pink and white. The salary slip here comes with two tables separated with a whitespace. Here, apart from using the traditional black, multiple colors are used for text and number like red, blue, pink and purple on a white background.

Indian company salary slip format