Only the Database class is used as part of this pattern. This pattern is used to build the database for the application.It is creational design pattern that lets you ensure that a class has only one instance, while providing the global access point to this instance.Output files will be created in the directory as the files provided as arguments to run the JAR.Java -jar individual-project-SaiNikhilYandamuri.jar "" "" "" Run the following command in the command prompt:.(Location of JAR File is: \out\artifacts\individual_project_SaiNikhilYandamuri_jar\individual-project-SaiNikhilYandamuri.jar). Opem Command Prompt in the location of JAR File.Needs Java 8 installed in the system that is running the program.

If an order satisfies all the requirements, the total amount paid will be calculated and credit card details will be used to make the payment. There will be a cap on the quantity of items purchased from each category. There are a limited number of items in the inventory. We will develop a Marketplace application having the information of the inventory and users are allowed to purchase products by making products. Inventory Management System Problem Statement